Results for 'Vitor Duarte Ferreira'

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  1. A posição da imaginação na epistemologia aristotélica.Vitor Duarte Ferreira - 2021 - Revista Filoteológica 1 (1):87-103.
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  2. Percepção e imaginação em Aristóteles.Vitor Duarte Ferreira - 2017 - Dissertation, Ufba, Brazil
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    A DIMENSÃO ONTOLÓGICA DO HOMEM EM ARISTÓTELES E MARX: FUNDAMENTANDO O EDUCANDO COMO SER POLÍTICOSOCIAL E DE TRABALHO NO PROCESSO EDUCACIONAL SOC.Marcelo Barboza Duarte - 2017 - Saberes: Revista Interdisciplinar de Filosofia e Educação (Issn 1984-3879) 1:125-137.
    Diante dos embates e dilemas que vive o Brasil após o ano de 2016, fundamentalmente no que diz respeito a educação pública brasileira, o presente trabalho procurou se debruçar, refletir e verificar a posição e situação do educando brasileiro no cenário social nacional, e sobretudo escolar. Levamos em conta como base de configuração do indivíduo-sujeito e estudante sua identidade enquanto ser biopsicossocial, isso na perspectiva Aristotélica e Marxista de homem, tanto como ser dotado de razão, emoção, vontade, social, político, teleológico (...)
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  5. Oposições dialéticas do imperativo categórico.Vitor Tschoepke - manuscript
    O sistema moral kantiano possui grande poder explicativo ao descrever os parâmetros intelectuais formadores da lógica da ação moral. A teoria possui, contudo, limitações e contradições internas, às quais Kant não deu um encaminhamento satisfatório. O presente estudo apresentará um modelo no qual as formulações do imperativo (o teste da generalização, e o da humanidade como fim) são tratados como critérios separados e independentes. Temos, assim, aquelas situações em que estes critérios são requisitos simultâneos da ação, em que o moral (...)
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  6. Representation and the figure of the observer.Vitor Silva Tschoepke - 2018 - Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 9 (8):722-738.
    The theoretical use of representation faces, among others, two types of inconsistencies, namely: a representation requires the figure of the agent to which it will be representative, which leads either to circularity or to infinite return; and the resulting one, which is the difficulty in reconciling a description, in representative terms, with other more fundamental scientific categories. The proposal of the present study for the solution of these problems was the identification of a referential process starting from the correlation between (...)
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  7. Patrimônio Natural e Turismo voluntário: ética do cuidado na relação Sociedade-Natureza.Vitor João Ramos Alves - 2016 - Dissertation, Unb, Brazil
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  8. Why “17 Gen r” is undecidable: Gödel's proof and the paradox of self-reference.Vitor Tschoepke - manuscript
    The aim of this text is to offer an explanation of Gödel's Theorem according to the schemes and notations of the original article. There are many good didactic explanations of the theorem that reveal its central points and implications, but these are difficult to recognize when reading the original work, due to the complexity of its formulation and the author's economical style in explaining the steps of his argument. An exposition of the central concepts will be made, as well as (...)
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  9. Homo Negotiatus. Ontogeny of the Unique Ways Humans Own, Share and Deal With Each Other.Claudia Passos-Ferreira & Philippe Rochat - 2008 - In S. Itakura & K. Fujita (eds.), Origins of the Social Mind. Springer. pp. 141-156.
    Social animals need to share space and resources, whether sexual partners, parents, or food. Sharing is indeed at the core of social life. Humans, however, of all social animals, have distinct ways of sharing. They evolved to become Homo Negotiatus; a species that is prone to bargain and to dispute the value of things until some agreement is reached.
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  10. O Self Como Centro de Ação em James e Winnicott (Self-agency in James and Winnicott).Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2014 - Agora 17 (1):27-42.
    Our goal is to investigate the notion of self-agency in William James and Donald Winnicott. With James, we examine the descriptive element of what constitutes a self. With Winnicott, we explore his explanatory theory on self-emergence. Winnicott's perspective is presented here as the prehistory of the Jamesian self. James's conception of self is similar to the Winnicottian notion of an "integrated self", an embodied position that emerges from the organism's actions in the experiential field. The combination of the two approaches (...)
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  11. O animal essencialmente político.Duarte Marcelo Barboza - 2019 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 10 (19):58-69.
    O presente trabalho procura se debruçar sobre a dimensão ontológica do homem animal-político-social em Aristóteles. Logo, desde já nos cabe ressaltar que a verificação do homem enquanto animal político-social abarcará um caráter metafísico para a efetivação no e do físico-material-natural, ou seja, o ser biopsicossocial. Refletindo, construindo e interligando o ser físico e “espiritual”. Portanto, o objeto principal será o que diz respeito ao homem como um animal político-social, no sentido ontológico do ser sensível em Aristóteles. Para tanto, a proposta (...)
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    Como os deuses chegaram até nós: por outras historiografias, sociologias, filosofias e antropologias - Magia, Rituais, Mitos, Religião e Capitalismo: consonâncias, dissonâncias e relações com a Morte, um Ensaio.Marcelo Barboza Duarte - 2024 - ISBN 9786501020341.
    Título: Como os deuses chegaram até nós: por outras historiografias, sociologias, filosofias e antropologias Tema: Magia, Rituais, Mitos, Religião e Capitalismo: consonâncias, dissonâncias e relações com a Morte, um Ensaio -/- O trabalho em tela é um esforço de expor e contextualizar, as possíveis expressões das primeiras formas, modos e tipos de manifestações místicas, ritualísticas, mágicas, sacrificiais, de crenças e míticas nos processos sociais, culturais, econômicos, políticos e históricos das sociedades. Verificando assim, os primeiros fundamentos, processos e construções biopsicossociais, bem (...)
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  13. Entre a investigação e a análise das causas: O conceito de αȚIJία em Alpha da Metafísica de Aristóteles e em Clio das Histórias de Heródoto.Vitor Medeiros Costa - 2016 - Dissertation, Ufsc, Brazil
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  14. Tempo e Saber: uma reconstrução analítica da polissemia do saber e da teoria da evolução do conhecimento a partir dos livros iniciais da Metafísica de Aristóteles.Vitor Medeiros Costa - 2019 - Dissertation, Ufsc, Brazil
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  15. The Development of Consciousness.Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2017 - Dissertation, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
    The principal aim of the thesis is to develop a developmental account of conscious experience. In this account, the objective is to understand and explain the phenomenal experience of newborns and pre-linguistic infants. The question that guides the investigation concerns the phenomenality of babies' experiences: what is it like to be a baby? There are some crucial philosophical issues that any account of the nature of infant consciousness must face: the ontology of early conscious states; the epistemic status of infants' (...)
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  16. Causality and Intrinsic Information.Vitor Silva Tschoepke - manuscript
    This text will discuss the concept of information and its relevance in the study of the nature of the mind. It will analyze a hypothesis that deals with the equivalence between information and causality, which results in information having a double ontological character: “intrinsic” and “extrinsic.” A discussion will follow on Integrated Information Theory, which is developed from a variation of this thesis. It will be proposed that this theory does not reach the objective of being an “intrinsic” information theory, (...)
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  17. El contenido mental no-conceptual y la experiencia perceptual espacial.John Anderson P.-Duarte & Alejandro Murillo - 2011 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 11 (23):7-28.
    Nuestro interés en el contenido mental no-conceptual es, principalmente, la articulación de una versión sustantiva (no-trivial) de esta clase de contenido en la experiencia perceptual. El debate acerca del contenido no-conceptual ha girado, en su mayor parte, alrededor de su existencia; y los argumentos que se han ofrecido en su favor abogan por una versión no sustantiva según la cual el contenido no-conceptual es aquel que no satisface ciertos requisitos conceptuales. Así, para desarrollar una versión sustantiva del contenido mental no-conceptual (...)
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  18. Imperativo categórico: uma análise dialética.Vitor Tschoepke - manuscript
    O imperativo categórico é o princípio supremo de moralidade. Em um sentido essa afirmação pode ser considerada verdadeira, já que a teoria possui grande poder em explicar os critérios da intuição moral comum. Por outro lado, o sistema deixa muitos casos e situações sem um guiamento claro, e em outros ainda trava em paradoxos e soluções inaceitáveis, se seguirmos estritamente as recomendações de seu formulador. Será nesse estudo apresentado um sistema de aplicação do imperativo categórico que permite dar um tratamento (...)
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  19. Levels of Referential Dynamics.Vitor Tschoepke - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 10 (3):151-164.
    Henri Bergson developed an extensive analysis of duration, which consists of the subjective perception of changing situations in a fluid and continuous perspective, distinct from the notion of chronological time. From this starting point, he defined consciousness by this criterion of temporal continuity, as accumulated memory. Jean Schneider presented a formalization of the self-referential characteristic of duration. In this paper, a parallel will be drawn between these models and the theory of self-reference from causal superposition. Some extensions of this theory (...)
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  20. Direito a intimidad.Vitor Gonçalves Machado - unknown
    Resumo A problemática sobre a “verdade” não tem obtido a devida atenção no meio jurídico. As considerações a respeito do que seja “verdade”, por certo, têm nítido viés filosófico, existindo distintas concepções acerca da “verdade”, embora muitas não são capazes de servir ao direito processual civil. Habermas concebe a “verdade” sobre um fato como um conceito dialético, construída a partir das argumentações desenvolvidas pelos sujeitos cognoscentes, ou seja, buscada na cooperação direcionada para o entendimento mútuo racional. Identificam-se pontos de contato (...)
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  21. In Defense of Empathy: A response to Prinz.Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2015 - Abstracta 8 (2):31-51.
    A prevailing view in moral psychology holds that empathy and sympathy play key roles in morality and in prosocial and altruistic actions. Recently, Jesse Prinz (2011a, 2011b) has challenged this view and has argued that empathy does not play a foundational or causal role in morality. He suggests that in fact the presence of empathetic emotions is harmful to morality. Prinz rejects all theories that connect empathy and morality as a constitutional, epistemological, developmental, motivational, or normative necessity. I consider two (...)
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  22. Causal overlap and self-reference: a brief summary.Vitor Silva Tschoepke - manuscript
    The purpose of this text is to present a summary of the theory of self-reference as a result of the superposition of the causal history of a system. Self-reference is discussed here as an effect of the association between memory and causality. When considering the eventual situation of a physical system, different previous alternatives can take it to the same state. The means that constituted it are not intrinsic to it, there are no elements in it to retroact to its (...)
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  23. The wisdom-of-crowds: an efficient, philosophically-validated, social epistemological network profiling toolkit.Colin Klein, Marc Cheong, Marinus Ferreira, Emily Sullivan & Mark Alfano - 2023 - In Hocine Cherifi, Rosario Nunzio Mantegna, Luis M. Rocha, Chantal Cherifi & Salvatore Miccichè (eds.), Complex Networks and Their Applications XI: Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications: COMPLEX NETWORKS 2022 — Volume 1. Springer.
    The epistemic position of an agent often depends on their position in a larger network of other agents who provide them with information. In general, agents are better off if they have diverse and independent sources. Sullivan et al. [19] developed a method for quantitatively characterizing the epistemic position of individuals in a network that takes into account both diversity and independence; and presented a proof-of-concept, closed-source implementation on a small graph derived from Twitter data [19]. This paper reports on (...)
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  24. Are Infants Conscious?Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):308-329.
    I argue that newborn infants are conscious. I propose a methodology for investigating infant consciousness, and I present two approaches for determining whether newborns are conscious. First, I consider behavioral and neurobiological markers of consciousness. Second, I investigate the major theories of consciousness, including both philosophical and scientific theories, and I discuss what they predict about infant consciousness.
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  25. Comentário sobre “O Conceito de Sentimento no Monismo de Triplo Aspecto” de Alfredo Pereira Jr.”.Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2015 - Kinesis 7 (14):44-49.
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  26. Occipital and Left Temporal EEG Correlates of Phenomenal Consciousness.Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira - 2015 - In Quoc Nam Tran & Hamid Arabnia (eds.), Emerging Trends in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology. Elsevier. pp. 335–354.
    In the first section, Introduction, we present our experimental design. In the second section, we characterise the grand average occipital and temporal electrical activity correlated with a contrast in access. In the third section, we characterise the grand average occipital and temporal electrical activity correlated with a contrast in phenomenology and conclude characterising the grand average occipital and temporal electrical activity co-occurring with unconsciousness.
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  27. Freud's Views on Mental Causation.Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2022 - In Jon Mills (ed.), Psychoanalysis and the Mind-Body Problem. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 69-87.
    Freud held complex and fascinating views on the question of mental causation. In this chapter, I propose an interpretation of Freud's views on this question, bringing together ideas from psychoanalysis, philosophy of psychoanalysis, and philosophy of mind. Faced with the impasse of the problem of how the mind interacts with the body, Freud created a two-dimensional picture of mental causation, with one dimension involving mechanistic causes and the other involving intentional causes. My thesis is that Freud's best-developed picture of mental (...)
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  28. Occipital and left temporal instantaneous amplitude and frequency oscillations correlated with access and phenomenal consciousness.Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira - manuscript
    Given the hard problem of consciousness, there are no brain electrophysiological correlates of the subjective experience (the felt quality of redness or the redness of red, the experience of dark and light, the quality of depth in a visual field, the sound of a clarinet, the smell of mothball, bodily sensations from pains to orgasms, mental images that are conjured up internally, the felt quality of emotion, the experience of a stream of conscious thought, or the phenomenology of thought). However, (...)
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  29. "Kierkegaard não se desprendeu de Hegel": Notas sobre o juízo de Heidegger sobre Kierkegaard em A hermenêutica da facticidade.Gabriel Ferreira - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 1 (43):51-76.
    The course delivered by Heidegger during the Summer semester of 1923, and published later under the title of Ontology – The hermeneutics of facticity, is one of the most important loci in which we can have a glimpse of Kierkegaard’s influence on and importance to Heidegger, as well as of some of his interpretations about the thought of the Dane philosopher. One of them, notwithstanding puts forward a very interesting assessment of the relation between Kierkegaard and Hegel – through F. (...)
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  30. Entre ruína e desespero: negação e constituição do sujeito em Robert Kurz e Slavoj Žižek.Raphael F. Alvarenga & Cláudio R. Duarte - 2013 - Sinal de Menos 9:24-59.
    The article addresses the treatment given to the notion of subject in Slavoj Žižek and Robert Kurz. Without aiming at a synthesis between the two radically opposed positions, they are played against one another in order to reveal the unidimensional stances and false steps in the field of the constitution of the struggle for a concrete negation of capitalist society.
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  31. Corrigir a existência: a ética como estética em Albert Camus.Gabriel Ferreira - 2009 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 14:207-224.
    O percurso construído pelo pensamento de Albert Camus (1913-1960) perfaz uma unidade profunda entre Ética e Estética. Par- tindo de uma preocupação explicitamente ética, o autor acaba por ter de desenvolver uma antropologia filosófica, ou seja, um discurso sobre o homem que tem como núcleo um conceito que o reenvia àquilo que podemos chamar de dimensão estética para então, a partir daí, oferecer uma resposta àquele problema ético. Desse modo, pretendemos neste trabalho explicitar o caminho ao qual aludimos em três (...)
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  32. Geach and Ascriptivism: Beside the Point.Luís Duarte D'Almeida - 2016 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 4 (6).
    This paper discusses the first incarnation of what came to be known as the “Frege-Geach” point. The point was made by Peter Geach in his 1960 essay “Ascriptivism”, and developed in “Assertion”, a 1965 piece. Geach’s articles launch a wholesale attack on theories of non-descriptive performances advanced by “some Oxford philosophers” whom he accuses of ignoring “the distinction between calling a thing ‘P’ and predicating ‘P’ of a thing”. One view that Geach specifically targets is H. L. A. Hart’s claim (...)
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  33. Analogy, Mind, and Life.Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira - 2015 - In Quoc Nam Tran & Hamid Arabnia (eds.), Emerging Trends in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology. Elsevier. pp. 377–388.
    I'll show that the kind of analogy between life and information [argued for by authors such as Davies (2000), Walker and Davies (2013), Dyson (1979), Gleick (2011), Kurzweil (2012), Ward (2009)] – that seems to be central to the effect that artificial mind may represent an expected advance in the life evolution in the Universe – is like the design argument, and that if the design argument is unfounded and invalid, the argument to the effect that artificial mind may represent (...)
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  34. Cartas filosóficas o reflexiones modestas sobre algunas opiniones en filosofía natural de Margaret Lucas Cavendish, duquesa de New Castle [cartas 30-33 y 35-37].John Anderson P. Duarte & Juliana Ocampo - 2021 - Humanitas Hoide 3 (1):1-15.
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  35. Information Systems Governance and Industry 4.0 - epistemology of data and semiotic methodologies of IS in digital ecosystems.Ângela Lacerda Nobre, Rogério Duarte & Marc Jacquinet - 2018 - Advances in Information and Communication Technology 527:311-312.
    Contemporary Information Systems management incorporates the need to make explicit the links between semiotics, meaning-making and the digital age. This focus addresses, at its core, pure rationality, that is, the capacity of human interpretation and of human inscription upon reality. Creating the new real, that is the motto. Humans are intrinsically semiotic creatures. Consequently, semiotics is not a choice or an option but something that works like a second skin, establishing limits and permeable linkages between: human thought and human's infinite (...)
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  36. Heróis Caídos: Terceiridade Humana e Drama Social nos Documentários sobre Fórmula 1.Rafael Duarte Oliveira Venancio - 2010 - In Anais do XXXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação. Intercom.
    O presente artigo busca analisar, no aspecto da imagem fílmica, os documentários de arquivo sobre a Fórmula 1 em seus primórdios garagistas (pré-1950 ao fim da década de 1970). Para isso, serão analisados três documentários recentes sobre grandes pilotos da categoria, a saber: Jack Brabham, Graham Hill e Juan Manuel Fangio. Utilizando a teorização de Gilles Deleuze acerca da imagem-movimento e seus aspectos semióticos, o objetivo aqui é ver que a cadeia de significação provocada pela reedição de imagens de arquivo (...)
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  37. A cidade nas práticas artísticas.Nuno Fonseca, Humberto Brito, João Oliveira Duarte, Susana Ventura & Susana Viegas (eds.) - 2023 - Lisbon: Ifilnova - Nova Fcsh.
    A cidade nas práticas artísticas [The city in artistic practices] is the result of the work developed, of the presentations and the debates held within the cycle of seminars “The experience of the city between art and philosophy”, held between 3 March 2020 and 16 June 2021 (calendar dramatically compromised by the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic), one of the main activities of the OBRA project — Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: experiencing the city between art and philosophy, based at IFILNOVA (...)
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  38. Record of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis sensu lato, the zombie-ant fungus, parasitizing Camponotus in an urban fragment of Atlantic Rainforest in southeastern Brazil.Bruno Corrêa Barbosa, Vitor Ribeiro Halfeldb, João Paulo Machado de Araújo, Tatiane Tagliatti Maciel & Fábio Prezoto - 2015 - Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 50 (1):1-3.
    Ophiocordyceps is a fungal pathogen of ants of the tribe Camponotini. It is called zombie fungus, since it changes the host behavior, causing them to die in an exposed position, typically clinging onto and biting into the adaxial surface of shrub leaves. This study aimed to describe the occurrence of parasitic associations between Ophiocordyceps and ants of the genus Camponotus in an urban fragment of Atlantic Rainforest in southeastern Brazil and to measure the rate of hyperparasitism in Ophiocordyceps by other (...)
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  39. Reactionary attitudes: Strawson, Twitter, and the Black Lives Matter Movement.Anastasia Chan, Marinus Ferreira & Mark Alfano - forthcoming - In Fernando Aguiar-Gonzalez & Antonio Gaitan (eds.), Experimental Methods in Moral Philosophy. Routledge.
    On 25 May 2020, Officer Derek Chauvin asphyxiated George Floyd in Minneapolis — a murder that was captured in a confronting nine-minute bystander video that set off a firestorm of activity on online social networks, in the streets of the United States, and even worldwide. These protests captured the collective rage, dissatisfaction, and resentment personally and vicariously experienced towards the widespread systematic injustice and mistreatment of African Americans by police and vigilantes. The scale of these protests, both online and in (...)
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    A crítica ao dualismo cartesiano e sua contribuição na compreensão do autismo.Claudia Passos Ferreira - 1999 - Serie Estudos Em Saude Coletiva 193:3-26.
    This paper explores the enduring impact of Cartesian dualism on the formulation of autism diagnosis and its subsequent implications for our contemporary understanding of the condition. It presents a concise historical overview tracing the evolution of autism diagnosis through the lenses of two traditional reductionist paradigms: a psychological framework (emphasizing it as a mental disorder) and a biological framework (viewing it as a neurological dysfunction). However, the paper argues for a revised perspective that transcends the limitations inherent in both conventional (...)
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  41. Aristotle's Theology and its Relation to the Science of Being qua Being.Shane Duarte - 2007 - Apeiron 40 (3):267-318.
    The paper proposes a novel understanding of how Aristotle’s theoretical works complement each other in such a way as to form a genuine system, and this with the immediate (and ostensibly central) aim of addressing a longstanding question regarding Aristotle’s ‘first philosophy’—namely, is Aristotle’s first philosophy a contribution to theology, or to the science of being in general? Aristotle himself seems to suggest that it is in some ways both, but how this can be is a very difficult question. My (...)
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  42. The Jouissance-value: a concept for critical of imaginary industry.Eugênio Bucci & Rafael Duarte Oliveira Venancio - 2014 - Rumores (USP) 8 (1).
    This article aims to examine the way in which an old expression, jouissance-value, created by Jacques Lacan, has become a key concept in the media industry and in the field of Media studies. The hypothesis presented here is the following: in the fabrication of jouissance-value, the gaze (regard) works as labor, establishing an economy of scopic desire.
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  43. Os Argumentos da Razão E da Moral Em Milagres de C.S. Lewis.Thais Cunha Cavalcanti Ferreira Cordeiro - 2021 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
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    PELAS VEREDAS DA TRADUÇÃO: ENTRE MITOS E PALAVRAS.Alex Pereira De Araújo & Élida Paulina Ferreira - 2009 - I Congresso Nacional de Linguagens e Representações: Linguagens e Leituras 1:1-8.
    Este ensaio visa refletir sobre as questões de tradução levantadas por Jacques Derrida (1987), questões essas que não chegam a formalizar uma teoria da tradução, mas têm elas o ato de traduzir o original como veredas a ser percorridas por um sujeito endividado, ou seja, o tradutor. No dizer de Derrida, “a tarefa do tradutor indica a lei e a missão outorgada pelo outro a que o tradutor deve responder”. Neste sentido, entendemos aqui a tradução como um ato de diálogo, (...)
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  45. Noção de causalidade no pensamento de Aristóteles.Paulo Vitor Pinho de Siqueira - 2022 - Primordium 7 (13):1-21.
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  46. A conexão das virtudes em Aristóteles.Karina Ferreira Silveira - 2014 - Dissertation, Ufpel, Brazil
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  47. Ideas and Confusion in Leibniz.Shane Duarte - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (4):705-733.
    According to Margaret Wilson, Leibniz is inconsistent when it comes to the question of whether one can have distinct ideas of sensible qualities, and this because he sometimes conceives of sensible qualities as sensations and sometimes conceives of them as complexes of primary qualities. When he conceives of them as sensations, he denies that we can have distinct ideas of sensible qualities; when he conceives of them as complexes of primary qualities, he asserts that we can. In this paper I (...)
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  48. Transdisciplinary Philosophy of Science: Meeting the Challenge of Indigenous Expertise.David Ludwig, Charbel El-Hani, Fabio Gatti, Catherine Kendig, Matthias Kramm, Lucia Neco, Abigail Nieves Delgado, Luana Poliseli, Vitor Renck, Adriana Ressiore C., Luis Reyes-Galindo, Thomas Loyd Rickard, Gabriela De La Rosa, Julia J. Turska, Francisco Vergara-Silva & Rob Wilson - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 1.
    Transdisciplinary research knits together knowledge from diverse epistemic communities in addressing social-environmental challenges, such as biodiversity loss, climate crises, food insecurity, and public health. This paper reflects on the roles of philosophy of science in transdisciplinary research while focusing on Indigenous and other subaltern forms of knowledge. We offer a critical assessment of demarcationist approaches in philosophy of science and outline a constructive alternative of transdisciplinary philosophy of science. While a demarcationist focus obscures the complex relations between epistemic communities, transdisciplinary (...)
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    Bealer to Kripke, On Mental Properties.Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira - 2023 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 44 (3&4):171-194.
    Bealer’s argument against Kripke is presented. We then show how Kripke could counteract it. Our idea that the identity materialist may have the possibility of explaining why type psychophysical identities only appear to be contingent (but are necessary), because we confuse the exemplified properties (one property) with the concepts that subsume them (two distinct concepts), is supported by McGinn’s and Nagel’s materialistic intuitions. It remains to be seen whether a critique of Kripke like that of Bealer runs counter to the (...)
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  50. Emoções e construção social: ainda há lugar para o socioconstrutivismo na filosofia das emoções?Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho & Sabrina Ferreira - 2023 - Sofia 12 (2):e12243351.
    Na década de 1980, um programa de pesquisa se popularizou no campo da filosofia e psicologia das emoções. Esse programa, denominado construcionismo social, afirmava que emoções eram produtos de fatores sociais e não poderiam ser compreendidas em um vocabulário adaptacionista. No entanto, ao longo do tempo essas teorias perderam grande parte de sua força e popularidade, e praticamente desapareceram da filosofia das emoções contemporânea. O objetivo do presente artigo será diagnosticar esse predicamento, e perguntar se o construcionismo social ainda poderia (...)
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